Play stupid games? Win 30 million unwashed Third World illegals! What a great deal! Especially for the illegals that are hired by leftists and big business to infiltrate America. The best part for them? The US government will seize tax dollars from American taxpayers and give it to Youstedes!
Hell, the Globalists controlling everything in Washington will even allow in a couple ten thousand military-aged Chinese hombres wearing the same clothes, carrying the same backpacks, and arriving as fresh as a recently-skinned ready for the stew. Want better news, you racist garbage Magats? The Great Satan has also allowed tens or thousands of women’s rights advocates from the Muslim Middle East and Africa to melt into our population and spread their goodness.
All of these groups are fully funded, living for free in taxpayer provided housing with free food and education for their ninos (not the women’s rights advocates from the Muslim Middle East and Africa, of course), free medication and more! Maybe that Great Satan is really the Awesomely Great Satan these days! Or the Awesomely Stupid Not-So-Great Satan. I guess it depends on whether you’re an illegal enjoying the ride or the silly taxpayer paying for all this fun.
Last week, the latest Englishter PM, Keir Starmer, said that the immigration experiment has been a disaster in the UK and was planned by the government. No shit! Entire sections of large cities in Englandistan are controlled by Muslims enforcing sharia law. London has had a Muslim Mayor for at least a decade and Muslims cause a great deal of crime in the UK. The best part? A large percentage of them live off of public assistance. Yeah, I’d agree your immigration system of letting anyone who can get to England by air, land, or water can stay and live off the English citizen has been one big cluster! Notice it’s only Western European countries or America that commit cultural and societal suicide by allowing any-damn-thing from any-damn-where into our respective countries? AWD has long said, America is too stupid to survive! We’ve always known Western European countries are.
President Donald Trump has made massive deportation of illegals one of his top priorities. He’s made many promises about closing the border, mass deportations, etc and will most certainly face tremendous resistance from Democrats and Republicans (but I repeat myself) in DC as well as many large companies who have benefited from cheap labor from unskilled Third World labor.
The Question Of The Day is ‘Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do ICE comes for you?’ 30 million illegals who like living in Amer–eee-caaaa and getting welfare dollars, food stamps, and all the rest of the largesse they can drip-dry out of dying taxpayer veins will not likee likee going back to China and other hellholes. Will they go peacefully? Will they resist? Will they loot and burn down cities like their fellow moochers Black Lives Matter and Antifa?
Want to know what AWD says? Well, I’m not gonna tell you. OK, OK, I will! You don’t have to break my damn arm off! I believe this job of deporting illegals is much more a challenge than Trump and his team believe it will be. Rounding up and deporting the violent criminal element will be a layup. Every police force in America knows who and where those types are. But illegals are EVERY-DAMN-WHERE and ingrained into our economy and society. Go to a restaurant. Who’s bussing tables, washing dishes, running food, cooking, etc? In many cases, it’s all illegal aliens. Same with home construction, roads, infrastructure, etc. The labor for these jobs are mostly illegals. The smart ones who learned to shpeekee Ingleeesh are labor leaders for those jobs. Anyone who doesn’t hablar Espanol and isn’t an illegal need not apply. These workers, if deported, will go to countries that do not have economies that allow them to purchase and drive big trokas (pick ups). No, illegals will not go gently into that good Third World hellhole of deportation. There will be all manner of resistance. From peaceful marches and news stories about evil MAGA ripping little kids out of their classrooms. Trump will also face the birthright citizenship that millions of illegals will use to remain. Every 9 months and 1 day, illegal women bear another child…errr…American citizen who is entitled to all the freebees American taxpayers have to offer.
Trump will also have to contend with American businesses that benefit from cheap labor or selling stuff/shit to illegals. Ever looked at who lives in apartment complexes these days? Si, señor. Illegales. Think those companies will be calling Congressman Bob and laying the smacketh down about how his apartment slum was filled to the brim pre-Trump and now has a 60% occupancy? Damn right they will. Trump will get from all sides.
Leftists will use the heartstrings attack on conservatives. What would Jesus do? Would he deport all those families just seeking a better life? AWD’s response will be, “Well, if Jesus had emigrated legally to the United States, he would be cutting my grass about now. But since Jesus got deported with his familia, I hired Brad from down the street. And, because America is not spending $150 billion on illegals, my taxes are lower and I can pay Brad from down the street more that I was paying Jesus!” I will not fall for the “do you really want to separate families” trap when illegal parents have been sending 2 year olds by themselves from Ecuador with @#$% drug cartels!
Here’s the deal, Dudes and Dudettes. We are either a country that exists by the rule of law or we’re not. If our government won’t enforce immigration laws, why should we follow tax laws? For the past 4 years, we’ve seen the lunacy of leftist politics. Criminals being allowed to legally steal $950 per day without penalty. Drag queens performing in front of kindergartners. Men using women’s bathrooms and playing women’s sports. Putting tampons in boys bathrooms. This is just mind-dumbing shit so stupid that only leftists could dream up.
AWD has his dreams, too. My dream is an America that follows the values and ideals that made us the world’s superpower. That allows each generation to prosper more than the generation of their parents. An America where criminals are not preferred legally over victims. Where US citizenship is a treasure and not just a tool of curruptocrats in DC to rip off stupid gringos for votes. And finally, I want an America that isn’t the big life boat for the unwashed of the world.
Build the wall. Send them home. All of them. No quarter.