Happy Thanksgiving to all the Dudes and Dudettes! That is, if there are any of y’all left! Ye olde AWD has been laboring intensely trying to get his mail-order tech team to entendar ingles and finish this @#$% website! Oh, no, the guys trying to entendar ingles cut the grass. My mail-order techies wear sandals 7/24/365 and hold entire country reunions at Costco on Saturdays. Yep, call center, not blackjack. It’s enough to make Buddha cuss!
Anyway, the page is about 99% ready for bidness. All I have to do is think up some interesting topics and make it worth reading and shit. It’s been 8 years or so since AWD has had to think and while my remaining brain cells haven’t checked out completely they are definitely are packing up their luggage. So I’ll be writing new stuff sprinkled in with a few chart toppers from years ago that are still worth reading. And it keeps me from having to think too hard. Another brain cell just called Uber for the airport.
Obviously, word has not gotten out that Angry White Dude is once again a viable source for all things newsworthy, cultural, and sexy so we’re starting pretty much from scratch. Much like we did in 2006 or so. I’ve tried to write several old Dudes and Dudettes but nearly every email has bounced back undeliverable to my big sexy ass. I guess everyone’s either dead or in prison.
Things AWD is thankful for in ’24!
- Donald J MF’ing Trump! When that guy ran for the Republican nomination in ’16, I thought he’d be another RINO disaster. After all, a Republican in New Jork is a comm-a-nist in Tejas! I voted for him because he was not Satan aka Hillary. He made a lot of mistakes his first time. He listened to the Republican Establishment in picking his cabinet. He trusted them. He F’ed up. And he’s been picking knives out of his back ever since. This time, Trump has spent 4 years eating his Wheaties (and not the ones with Bruce Jenner on the box).
After years of ridiculous lawsuits from corrupt AG’s, DA’s, and Fed POS’s, getting shot in the melon, trying to remove him from state ballots, Trump appears to mean bidness this time. Trump and team are ready to do their best to drain the Establishment Swamp and the monstrosity called the Federal Government, it’s 430 agencies, and millions of lazy ass federal employees who can’t piss and hit the ground! And he’s already achieved something just as important. He has taken the politically correct, DEI, Affirmative Action industry head on and is fighting to destroy the poison it is to so many in this country. America is still the only country in the world where citizens drive their cars, have new cell phones, and full stomachs to protest how bad it is here.
Trump is America’s last hope. It’s coming to light how the Establishment was hell-bent on total control of the American people. It’s bad. The damage they’ve done over the past 25 years may be enough to kill off America but Trump gives us at least a good fighting chance to restore some common sense, prosperity and competence through America First.
Next, AWD is also thankful for the wealth and prosperity we still enjoy as Americans. It’s nice to know that we can produce and be self-reliant after 4 years of Biden/Harris/Obama tyranny. It’s also comforting to know that we tax payers can sleep at night knowing that the fruits of our labors are taken at the point of the IRS gun for revenue to support not only our legacy American mooching classes but 30 million illegal aliens who we import, house, feed, educate, medicate, and imprison. No other country in the history of the world has ever been so generous with the earnings of their citizens. Too bad no one in DC asked us first!
Finally, to keep this post short as I’m hungry as a big dog, AWD is eternally grateful for my family and friends! I have been blessed to have wonderful children whom I adore. My mother, the original Angry White Dudette, is still with us although is in her decline. And I love my beautiful wife, Blondie Cucumbers. She puts up with my shit and still manages to love me.
I’ve met so many Dudes and Dudettes over the years and I appreciate all the friendships and laughs we’ve shared. I hope we can strengthen those friendships and build more!
I don’t know if this iteration of AWD will be as successful as the previous. For those of you who have wondered, I wrote (and RedStater NYC, Bigtimer, Quartier LeBlanc, and many others) original content daily for over 10 years. I felt as if the page was stale and writing had become a chore rather than an escape. A couple of years ago I started getting the itch to write again. It’s taken a while to get from that itch to being up and running but here we are. AWD is definitely rusty and I’ll need to get my mojo back. I am very pleased to announce that Redstater will be joining us again. So you can at least look forward to his article because mine may just suck el grande uno. But AWD will give it his best effort to provide interesting articles that will make you smile, laugh, and cuss. And drink.
I’m thankful for so much more but that’s enough for now. Happy Thanksgiving, Dudes and Dudettes!!